Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women
Part 5: Women’s Writing and Advice, c1450-1720 Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Medieval Women Writers
Marie de France
Fables (c1250)
91ff Ms Douce 132
Christine de Pisan
Le Livre de fais d'armes des Chevalrie (c1450)
143ff Ms Bodl 824
Christine de Pisan
Livre des trois vertues (c1450)
107ff Ms Fr d.5
Marguerite de Navarre
Le Miroir l'âme pécheresse (1531)
Manuscript translation by Elizabeth Tudor, dedicated to Katherine Parr, 1544
69ff Ms Cherry 36
Medieval Women Writers (continued)
Marguerite de Navarre
Heptameron, or, The History of the Fortunate Lovers; Written by the most Excellent and Virtuous Princess, Magaret de Valoys, Queen of Navarre, Published in French by the Privilege and immediate Approbation of the King; Now made English by Robert Codrington Master of Arts (1654)
564pp Douce v 48
Women as Translators
Margaret of Richmond
Book Four of Thomas a Kempis: Imitatio Christi
A full devoute and gostely treatyse of the Imytacyon and followynge the blessed lyfe of our moste mercyfull savour cryste: compyled in Laten by the right worshypful doctor Mayster John Gerlon: and translate into Englisshe The yere of owre lorde M d ii By maister William Atkynson Doctor of Divinite: at the special request & comaundement of the full excellent Pryncesse Margarete moder to oure sovenayne lorde Kynge Henry the vii and Countesse of Rychemount and Derby (1502)
120ff 4' G56 Th
Mary Herbert
Phillippe de Mornay: A Discourse of Life and Death. Written in French by Ph Mornay. Antonius, A Troedie. Written also in French by Ro Garnier. Both done into English by the Countesse of Pembroke (1592)
36pp Tanner 234 (5)
Agnes More
St Francois de Sales: Delicious entertainements of the Soule, Written by The Holy and most reverend Lord Francis de Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva, Translatted by a Dame of our Ladies of Comfort of the Order of St Bennet [sic] in Cambray (1632)
342pp Mason F1
Broadsides and Ballads
A collection of ballads, volume I
Includes: Advice to the Maidens of London to forsake their Fantastical Top-Knots
The Bashful Virgin or the Secret Lover
Bouncing Bess of Brumley
The Country Farmer or the Buxome Virgin
The Crafty Miss of London
The Cucolds Lamentation
The Constant Maids Resolution
The Female Warrior
And many more (17th century)
137ff Douce Ballads I
A collection of ballads, volume II
Includes: A Worthy Example of a Vertuous Wife
The Maidens Fairing
The Married Wives Complaint of her Unkind Husband or a Caution for Maids to beware how they Marry
The Merry Mans Resolution or a London Frollick
The School of Venus
The Politick Maid of Suffolk
The Womens Just Complaint
And many more (17th century)
273ff Douce Ballads II
J P Collier (ed)
The Roxburghe Ballads (1847)
183ff 2 Delta 470
Women, the Church, and Prophets
Julian of Norwich
XVI Revelations of Divine Love, Shewed to a devout Servant of our Lord, called Mother Juliana, an Anchorete of Norwhich who lived in the dayes of King Edward the Third (1670)
224pp Ashm. 1598
Lady Eleanor Douglas
The Excommunication out of Paradise (1647)
16pp 12 Q1336 (1)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
The Everlasting Gospel (1649)
14pp 12 Q 1336 (2)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
Hells Destruction (1651)
16pp 12 Q 1336 (3)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
The Restitution of Prophecy; that buried talent to be revived by the Lady Eleanor (1651)
57pp 12 Q 1336 (4)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
The Benediction (1651)
3pp 12 Q 1336 (5)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
Bethlehem signifying the House of Bread: or Warr. Whereof informs, whoso takes a small Roul to taste cures forthwith Distraction in the Supreamest Nature; with such vertue indu'd. By those Tormenters Firy Serpents as they when stung, were heal'd a view by taken of the Brazen One (1652)
12pp 12 Q 1336 (6)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
Ezekiel (nd)
24pp 12 Q 1336 (7)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
The Day of Judgements Modell (1646)
15pp 12 Q 1336 (9)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
Apocalyps, Chapter II. Its accomplishments shewed from the lady Eleanor (nd)
8pp 12 Q 1336 (8)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
The Lady Eleanor her Remonstrance to Great Britain (1648)
8pp 12 Q 1336 (10)
Lady Eleanor Douglas
Strange and wonderfull prophesies by the Lady Eleanor Audley; who is alive and lodgeth in White-Hall (1649)
7pp 12 Q 1642
Lady Eleanor Douglas
A Warning to the Dragon and all his Angels (1652)
109pp Don. E. 439
Lady Eleanor Douglas
The lady Eleanor her Appeal. Present this to Mr Mace the Prophet of the most High, his Messenger (1646)
40pp C. 14.11 (14) Linc
Lady Eleanor Douglas
The Star to the Wise. 1643. To the High Court of Parliament, The Honorable House of Commons: The Lady Eleanor her Petition; shewing cause to have her book licensed, Being the Revelations Interpreted (1643)
20pp 70 d 71
Mary (Cary) Rand
The Account Audited, or the date or the Resurrection of the witnesses pretended to be demonstrated by M Cary a minister. Examined by a friend to the truth and ministry (1649)
15pp Pamph. C. 91 (20)
Mary (Cary) Rand
The Little Horns Doom and Downfall: or A Scripture-prophesie of King James, and King Charles, and of this present parliament, unfolded (1651)
followed by:
A new and more Exact Mappe or Description of New Jerusalems Glory when Jesus Christ and his Saints with him shall reign on Earth a Thousand years and posses all Kingdoms. By M Cary a servant of Jesus Christ (1651)
327pp 110 K.306
Gertrude More
The Spiritual Exercises of the most virtuous and Religious D Gertrude More of the Holy order of S Bennet and English Congregation of our Ladies of Comfort in Cambray, she called them Amor Ordinem Nescit. And Ideots Devotions (1658)
Together with:
Confessions Amantis. A Lovers Confessions
424pp Vet. E3. f. 20
Margaret Fell
Women's Speaking Justified, Proved and Allowed of by the Scriptures, All such as speak by the Spirit and Power of the Lord Jesus. And how Women were the first that preached the Tidings of the Resurrection of Jesus (1666)
16pp Vet. A3. e 1636 (20)
Advice Books for Women
Jacob Rueff
De Conceptu et Generatione Hominis, et lis Quae circa hec potissimum consyderantur, Librisex, congesti opera Iacobi Rueff Chirurgi Tigurini (1554) In Latin
105ff+Xpp Douce R 160
Anon [E Tilney?]
A brief and pleasant discourse of duties in marriage, called the flower of friendshippe (1571)
78pp 8° H44 (3) Art Seld
William Whately
A Bride-bush: or, A Wedding Sermon describing the duties of Married Persons: By performing whereof, Marriage shall be to them a greate Helpe, which now finde it a little hell. (1617)
52pp Don. e. 678
William Whately
A care-cloth: Or, A Treatise of the cumbers and troubles of marriage: Intended to Advise them that may, To shun them; that may not, well and patiently beare them
(1624) Together with other sermons
262pp 4° T12 (4) Th
Philip Stubbes
A Christall Glasse for Christian Women: Containing a most excellent discourse, of the Godly life, and Christian death of Mistresse Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Stafford-shire, the 14 of December (1618)
24pp Vet A2 e 251
Patrick Hannay
A happy Husband: or Directions for a maide to choose her mate. As also, a wives behaviour towards her husband after marriage. To which is adioyned the good wife (1619)
58pp Mal 427
Elizabeth Clinton
The Countess of Lincoln's Nursery (1622)
vi+21pp 4° S 19 Art (6)
Daniel Featley
Ancilla pietatis: or, The hand-maid to private devotion: Presenting a Manuell to furnish her with Instructions, Hymns and Prayers (1626)
(Title page, introduction & pp595-617 only)
30pp (of 797pp) Wood 787 (1)
Roger Carr
A Godly forme of Householde Government: for the ordering of private Families according to the direction of Gods word. Whereunto is adjoyned in a more particular manner, the several duties of the Husband towards his wife: and the wifes dutie towards her husband. The parents dutie towards their children: and the Childrens towards their parents. the masters towards his servants; and also the Servants duty towards their Masters. First, gathered by R.C. and now newly pervsed, amended, & augmented, by John Dod, & Robert Clever (1600)
384pp Wood 819
Dorothy Leigh
The Mother's Blessing or The godly counsaile of a Gentle-woman not long since deceased, left behind her for her Children. Containing many good exhortations, and godly admonitions, profitable for all parents to leave as a Legacy to their children, but especiall for those, who by reason of their young yeeres stand most in need of instruction. By Mris Dorothy Leigh (1616)
xv+270pp 8° R30 (2) Th
Advice Books (continued)
Gervase Markham
Markham's farewell to husbandry or, the inriching of all sorts of Barren and Sterile grounds in our kingdome, to be as fruitfull in all manner of Graine, Pulse, and Grasse, as the best grounds whatsoever: Together with the annoyances, and preservation of all graine and Seeds, from one yeare to many yeares. Also a Husbandry computation of men and cattels dayly labours, their expences, charges, and uttermost profits. Newly reviewed, corrected, and ammended: together with many new Additions, and cheape experiments: For the bettering of Arable pasture, and woody grounds: of making good all grounds againe, spoiled with overflowing of salt water by sea-breaches, and also the inriching of the hop garden, and many other things never published before (1625)
vii+160pp Vet. A2 e.22 (1)
Gervase Markham
Cheape and Good Husbandry For the Well-Ordering of all Beasts and Fowles, and for the general care of their Diseases. Contayning the Natures Breeding, Choise, Use, Feeding, and Curing of the diseases of all manner of Cattel, as Horse, Oxe, Cow, Sheepe, Goates, Swine, and tame Conies. Shewing further, the whole Art of Riding great-Horses, with the breaking and ordering of them: and the dieting of the Running, Hunting, and Ambling Horse, and the manner how to use them in their travaile... The Third Edition (1623)
xxi+179pp Vet. A2 e.22 (2)
Gervase Markham
Country Contentments, or, The English Huswife. Containing The Inward and Outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in Physicke, Surgerie, Extraction of Oyles, Banqueting-Stuffe, Ordering of great-Feasts, preserving of all sorts of wines, Conceited Secrets, Distilations, Perfumes, ordering of Wool, Hempe, Flax, making Cloth Dying, the knowledge of Dayries, office of Malting, Oates, their excellent uses in a family, Brewing, Baking, and all other things belonging to an Houshold. A worke generally approved, and now much augemented, purged and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and dedicated to the Honour of the noble House of Exceter, and the generall good of this kingdome (1623)
vii+233pp Vet. A2 e.22 (3)
William Lawson
A New Orchard and Garden: or, The best way for planting, grafting, & to make any ground good, for a rich Orchard: particularly in the North, & generally for the whole kingdome of England, as in nature, reason, situation, and all probabilitie, may & doth appeare. (1623)
vii+57pp Vet. A2 e.22 (4)
The Country House-wifes garden. Containing Rules for Herbs and Seeds of common use, with their times & seasons, when to set and sow them. Together wih the husbandry of Bees, published with secrets very necessary for every housewife. (1623)
24pp Vet. A2 e.22 (5)
Simon Harward
A most Profitable New Treatise, from approved Experience of the Art of Propagating Plants (nd)
9pp Vet. A2 e.22 (6)
The Husband-Mans Fruitful Orchard (nd)
7pp Vet. A2 e.22 (7)
Charles Butler
The Feminine Monarchy: or the Historie of Bees (1623)
96ff Vet. A2 e.22 (8)
Gervase Markham
The English House-Wife containing the Inwward and outward Vertues which ought to be in a Compleat Woman: As her skill in Physick, Chirgurgery, Cookery, Extraction of Oyles, Banqueting-Stuffe, Ordering of great-Feasts, preserving of all sorts of wines, Conceited Secrets, Distilations, Perfumes, ordering of Wool, Hempe, Flax, making Cloth Dying, the knowledge of Dayries, office of Malting, Oates, their excellent uses in a family, Brewing, Baking, and all other things belonging to an House-hold. A Work generally approved, and now the Eigth time much augmented, urged, and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the general good of this Nation (8th ed. 1668)
vii+188pp 70 d.61
Advice Books (continued)
The Lawe's Resolution of Women's Rights: or, The Lawes Provision for Women. A methodical Collection of such Statutes and customs, with the Cases, Opinions, Arguments and points of learning in the Law, as doe properly concerne Women. Together with a compendious Table, whereby the chiefe matters in this Booke contained, may be the more readily found (1632)
418pp Douce WW 110
John Milton
The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce; Restor'd to the good of both sexes, From the bondage of Canon Law, and other mistakes, to Christian Freedom, guided by the rule of Charity (1643)
50pp Pamph C.56 (3)
Nicholas Culpepper
Culpepers Directory for Midwives: Or, A Guide for Women. The Second Part (1676)
Together with:
A Directory for Midwives: or, A Guide for Women The First Part (1675)
455pp Vet. A3 f.22
Mary Astell
A serious proposal to the ladies, For the Advancement of their true and greatest Interest. By a Lover of her Sex. (1694)
x+172pp Vet. A3 f.1774
Edward Stephens
A Letter to a Lady, Concerning the due Improvement of her Advantages if Celibacie, Portion, and Maturity of Age and Judgement: which may serve indifferently for men under the same circumstances
Taken from: A collection of Tracts and Papers lately Written for the service of the Church and Kingdom of England (1695)
[Title page, preface, list of contents and section iv, item 4 only]
38pp 4° R 66 (iv,4) Th
Memorials to Women
Anne Askew
The lattre examinacyon of Anne Askewe, latelye martyred in Smythfelde, by the wycked Synagoge of Antichrist, with the Elucydacyon of John Bale (1547)
72ff 8° C46 Th Seld
Anne Dudley
Le Tombeau de Margarite de Valois royne de Navarre, faict primierement en disticques latins par les trois soeurs princesses en Angleterre (A, M, & I de Seymour) depuis tr en. gr, ital, & fr par plusieurs des excellentz poëtas de la Frâce, auecque plusieurs odes, hymnes, cantiques, epitaphes sur le mesne subiect (1551)
Written in French
104ff Douce M. 270
Thomas Bentley (ed)
The Monumente of matrones: Conteining seven several Lamps of Virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first five concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie use of both sexes out of the sacred scriptures, and other approoved authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inn Student (1582)
[Includes work by Marguerite of Navarre, Lady Jane Dudley, Catherine Parr, Francis Abergavenny, Ann Askew, and others]
xviii+362pp 4° C38 Jur
Patrick Hannay
Two Elegies on the late death of our Soveraigne Queene Anne. With Epitaphes, Written by Patrick Hannay (1619)
15ff 4° L69 Art
Hester Shaw
A Plaine Relation of my Sufferings by that Miserable Combustion which happened in Tower-Street, 4 January 1650 (1653)
iii+15pp Wood D 28 (12)
Anthony Walker
Eureka, Eureka. The virtuous woman found. Her loss bewailed and Character exemplified in a sermon Preached at Felsted in Essex, April 30, 1678 At the funeral of that most excellent Lady the Right Honourable, and eminently Religious and Charitable Mary, Countess Dowager of Warwick, the most Illustrious Pattern of sincere Piety, and Solid Goodness this Age hath produced. With so large Additions as may be stiled The Life of that Noble Lady; By Anthony Walker DD & Rector of Fyfield in the same county. To which are annexed some of her ladyships Pious & Useful meditations (1678)
ii+213pp 8° Z 142 (4) Th
Samuel Clarke
The lives of sundry Eminent Persons in this later Age. In Two Parts:
Of Divines.
Of Nobility and Gentry of both sexes (1683)
Includes biographies of:
Mrs Katherine Clark
Mrs Mary Gunter
Lady Alice Lucy
Lady Mary Vere
Lady Mary, Countess Dowager of Warwick
Mrs Margaret Baxter
Lady Mary Armyne
Susanna, Countess of Suffolk
Lady Elizabeth Langham
220pp L33.10 Jur
Elizabeth Jocelyn
The Mother's Legacie, to her unborn childe. By Elizabeth Jocelyn (1624)
xxix+114pp Vet A2 g6
Pamphlet Disputes
Joseph Swetnam
The Arraignment of Lewde, idle, froward, and unconstant women: Or the vanitie of them, choose you whether. With a Commendacion of wise, vertuous, and honest women. Pleasant for married Men, profitable for young Men, and hurtfull to none (1615)
v+64pp 4° H 18 (3) Art
Joseph Swetnam
The arraignment of Lewde, Idle froward, and Unconstant Women, or The Vanitie of Them (Chuse you whether) with a Commendation of the Wise, Vertuous, and Honest Women. To which is added A Second Part containing Merry Dialogues, Witty Poems, and Jovial Songs. Pleasant for married Men, profitable for young Men, and hurtful to none (1733)
xi+132pp Douce S 33
Constantia Munda
The worming of a mad Dogge: or A Soppe for Cerberus the Jaylor of Hell. No confutation but a sharpe Redargution of the bayter of women
vii+35pp 4° L78 (10) Art
Ester Sowerman
Ester hath hang'd Haman: or An Answer to a lewde Pamphlet, entituled, The Arraignment of Women. With the arraignment of lewd, idle, froward, and unconstant men, and Husbands. Divided into two parts. The first proveth the dignity and worthinesse of Women, out of divine Testimonies. The second shewing the estimation of the Foeminine sex, in ancient and Pagan times, all which is acknowleged by men themselves in their daily actions. Written by Ester Sowerman, neither Maide, Wife nor Widdowe, yet really all, and therefore experienced to defend all (1617)
vii+51pp 4° M41 (6) Art
Rachel Speght
A Mouzell for Melastomus, The Cynicall Bayter of, and foule mouthed Barker against Evahs sex, Or an Apologeticall Answere to that Irreligious and Illiterate Pamphlet made by Jo[seph] Sw[etnam] and by him Intitulated, The Arraignement of Women. By Rachel Speght (1617)
xiii+38pp 4° L69 (4) Art
Swetnam the Woman-hater, Arraigned by Women, a new Comedie, Acted at the Red Bull by the late Queen's Sevants (1620)
[Badly stained copy]
85pp Douce S. 181
Mary Evelyn
Mundus Muliebris: or, The Ladies Dressing Room Unlock'd and Her Toilette Spread. In Burlesque. Together with the Fop-Dictionary, Compiled for the Use of the Fair Sex (1690)
vi+22pp Douce E 238 (1)
Mundus Foppensis: or the Fop Display'd. Being The Ladies Vindication, In Answer to a late Pamphlet, Entitled, Mundus Muliebris: Or, the Ladies Dressing Room Unlock'd, &c. In Burlesque. Together with a short supplement to the Fop-dictionary: Compos'd for the use of the Town-Beaus (1691)
vi+17+iipp Douce E 238 (2)
John Dunton[?]
Petticoat-Government. In a Letter to the Court Ladies. By the Author of the Post-Angels (1702)
vi+111pp 2699 f.3 (10)
The Prerogative of the Breeches, In a Letter to the sons of Men: Being an Answer to Petticoat-Government. Written by a True-born English man (1702)
vii+40pp 2699 f.3 (11)
John Sprint
The Bride-Womans Counseller, Being a Sermon preach'd at a Wedding, May 11th, 1699, at Sherbourn in Dorsetshire. By John Sprint (1699)
16pp 2699 f.3 (12)
Mary Chudleigh Eugenia (pseud):
The Female Advocate: or, A plea for the just liberty of the tender sex, and particularly of Married Women. Being reflections on a late rude and Disingenuous Discourse, Delivered by Mr John Sprint,in a sermon at a wedding, May 11th, at Sherburn in Dorsetshire, 1699. By a Lady of Quality (1700)
viii+55pp 2699 f.3 (13)
Mary Chudleigh
The Ladies Defence: or, The Bride-Women's counsellor answer'd: a poem in a Dialogue between Sir John Brute, Sir William Loveall, Melissa, and a Parson. Written by a lady (1701)
vii+23pp Vet A3 d.113 (3)
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720
Mary Chudleigh
Poems on several occasions; Together with The Song of the Three Children, paraphras'd. By the Lady Chudleigh (1703)
223pp 280 j.452
Mary Chudleigh
Essays upon several subjects in prose and verse. Written by the Lady Chudleigh (1710)
xvi+240pp Vet A4 e.498
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Isabella Whitney
The copy of a letter lately written in meeter, by a younge gentilwoman: to her unconstant lover. With an admonition to al yong Gentilwomen, and to all other Mayds in general to beware of mennes flattery. By Is. W. Newly joined to a love letter sent by a batcheler, (a most faithfull Lover) to an unconstant and faithless Mayden (1567?)
16ff 8° H. 44 (6) Art Seld
Elizabeth Grymestone
Miscellanea. Meditations. Memoratives. By Elizabeth Grymestone. (1604)
32ff 4° E. 31 Th BS
Aemilia Lanyer Salve Deus rex ludaeorum (1611)
The Passion of Christ
Eves Apologuie in Defence of Women
The Tears of the Daughters of Jerusalem
The Salvation and Sorrow of the Virgine Marie
iv+100pp Vet. A2. f.99
Francis Southwell/ Sir Thomas Overbury:
New and Choise Characters, of severall authors: together with that exquisite and unmatched poem The Wife, Written by Syr Thomas Overbury (1615)
Includes: Certaine Edicts from a Parliament in Eutopia, Written by the Lady Southwell
66pp Bliss B. 330 (1)
Lady Mary Wroth
The Countesse of Mountgomerie's Urania; Written by the right honourable the lady Mary Wroth Daughter to the right noble Robert Earl of Leicester. In Four Books (1621)
Together with: Pamphilla to Amphilanthus
6ii+558pp, +48pp M. 5.6 (2) Art
Elizabeth Cary
The Tragedie of Mariam, the Faire Queen of Lewry. Written by that learned, vertuous, and truly noble Ladie, E[lizabeth] C[ary] (1613)
64pp 4° T 35 (2) Art
Anna Weamys
A Continuation of Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia: Wherein is handled The Loves of Amphialus and Helena Queen of Corinth, Prince Plangus and Erona. With the Historie of the loves of Old Claius and Young Strephon to Vrania. Written by a young Gentlewoman, Mtis A W (1651)
xi+199pp Douce W. 17
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Margaret Cavendish Poems and Phancies (1653)
234pp P.1. 22 Jur. Seld
Margaret Cavendish
Philosophicall Fancies. Written by the Right Honourable The Lady Newcastle (1653)
xxii+94pp 8° N. 2. Art. BS
Margaret Cavendish
The Philosophical and Physical Opinions. Written by her Excellency, the Lady Marchionesse of Newcastle (1655)
xxvi+174pp fol. BS. 95
Margaret Cavendish
The World's Olio. Written by the most excellent Lady the Lady M of Newcastle (1655)
xxii+216pp Douce C. Subt. 16
Margaret Cavendish
Nature's Pictures drawn by Fancies Pencil to the Life. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious and Excellent Princess, The Lady Marchionesse of Newcastle (1656)
xviii+395pp fol. BS. 159
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Margaret Cavendish
Playes. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious and Excellent Princess, the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle (1662)
Loves Adventures
Several Wits
Youths Glory and Deaths Banquet
The Lady Contemplation
Wits Cabal
The Unnatural Tradegy
The Publick Wooing
Matrimonial Trouble, A Comedy
Natures Three Daughters, Beauty, Love and Wit
The Comical Hash
Bell in Campo
A Comedy of the Apocriphal Ladies
The Female Academie
xx+679+iii pp AA. 139. Th. Seld
Margaret Cavendish
Orations of Divers Sorts Accommodated to Divers Places. Written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent Princess, the lady Marchioness of Newcastle (1662)
Orations to Citizens in a Chief City concerning Peace and War
Orations in the Field of War
Orations to Citizens in the Market-place, after a long time of War
Several Causes Pleaded in Several Courts of Judicature
Speeches to thte King in Counsel
Orations in Courts of Majesty from Subjects to their King, and from the King to his Subjects
Speeches of Dying Persons
Funeral Orations
Mariage Orations
Orations to Citizens in the Market-place
Containeth Seven Female Orations
Nine Orations in Country Market-Towns
Orations in the Field of Peace
Orations in a Disordered, and yet unsetled State or Government
Scholastical Orations
xi+309+viii pp AA. 137. Th. Seld
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Margaret Cavendish
CCXI Sociable Letters. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious and Excellent Princess the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle (1664)
xiii+453pp AA. 138. Th. Seld
Margaret Cavendish
The Life of the Thrice Noble, High and Paissant Prince William Cavendishe; Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and Excellent Princess, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, His wife (1667)
xxiii+199pp AA. 142. Th. Seld
Margaret Cavendish
Grounds of Natural Philosophy: Divided into 13 parts: With an Appendix containing Five Parts. The Second Edition, much altered from the First, which went under the name Philosophical and Physical Opinions. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious & Excellent Princess, the Duchess of Newcastle (1668)
ix+311pp L. 1. 5. Art
Margaret Cavendish
Observations upon Experimental Philosophy: To which is added the Description of a New Blazing World. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious & Excellent Princess, the Duchess of Newcastle (1668)
lxx+392; iii+158pp C. 4. 15. Art
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Aphra Behn
The Forc'd Marriage, or, the Jealous Bridegroom. A Tragi-Comedy; As it is Acted at his Highnesse The Duke of York's Theatre (1671)
iv+89pp 4° D1 (7) Art
Aphra Behn
The Town-Fopp; or Sir Timothy Tawdrey. A Comedy; As it is Acted at his Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre (1676)
iv+67pp 4° D1 (4) Art
Aphra Behn
The City Heiress; or, Sir Timothy Treat-all, A Comedy. At His Royal Highness his Theatre (1682)
vii+61+iipp Mal. 104 (1)
Aphra Behn
The False Count, or, A New Way to Play an Old Game. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre (1682)
ii+65+iipp Mal. 104 (2)
Aphra Behn
The Dutch Lover, A Comedy. Acted at the Dukes Theatre (1673)
x+98pp Mal. 104 (3)
Aphra Behn
The Young King; or, the Mistake. As 'tis Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre (1683)
iv+63pp Mal. 104 (4)
Aphra Behn
The Amorous Prince, or: The Curious Husband. A Comedy. As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke of York's Theatre (1674)
ii+82pp Mal. 104 (5)
Aphra Behn
The Feign'd Curtizans; or, A Nights Intrigue, A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre (1679)
vi+71pp Mal. 104 (6)
Aphra Behn
Sir Patient Fancy: A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Written by Mrs A Behn, the Author of the Rover (1678)
[Pages 43-46 missing from original]
iv+91pp Mal. 113 (1)
Aphra Behn
The Luckey Chance, or An Alderman's Bargain. A Comedy. As it is Acted by their Majesty's Servants. Written by Mrs A Behn (1687)
x+71pp Mal. 113 (2)
Aphra Behn
The Roundheads; or the Good Old Cause, A Comedy. As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. By Mrs A Behn (1682)
vi+58pp Mal. 113 (3)
Aphra Behn
Abdelazer; or, The Moor's Revenge A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal by their Majesties Servants. Written by Mrs Anne Behn (2nd edition, 1693)
iii+64pp Mal. 113 (4)
George Grenville
The She-Gallants. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Little-Lincolns-Inn Fields, By His Majesty's Servants (1696)
iv+76pp Mal. 113 (5)
Elkanah Settle
The Female Prelate: Being The History of the Life and Death of Pope Joan. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal (1680)
viii+72pp Mal. 113 (6)
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Aphra Behn
The Rover, or, The Banish't Cavaliers. As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre (1677)
iv+83+iipp Mal. 126 (4)
Aphra Behn
The Second Part of The Rover or, The Banish't Cavaliers. As it is Acted by the Servants of His Royal Highness (1681)
vi+85+iipp Mal. 126 (5)
Aphra Behn
Abdelazer; or, the Moor's revenge. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre (1677)
iv+71+ipp Mal. B 182
Aphra Behn
Love letters between a noble-man and his sister (1684)
xxii+344pp Vet. A3. f.494
Aphra Behn
Love-Letters between a Noble-man and his Sister; with the History of their adventures. In Three parts (1735)
283pp Vet A4 c.45
Aphra Behn
Poems upon several occasions: with a voyage to the Islands of Love. By Mrs A Behn (1684)
xxx+144, ii+128pp Vet A3 e.293
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Aphra Behn
The Histories and Novels of the Late Ingenious Mrs Behn In one volume, viz: Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave, The Fair Jilt or Prince Tarquin, Agnes de Castro or the Force of Generous Love, Lover's Watch or the Art of Love, The Ladies Looking Glass, the Lucky Mistake and Love Letters.
Together with the Life and Memoirs of Mrs Behn. Written by one of the fair sex (1696)
596pp 8° Rawl. 325
Comtesse de la Fayette
Fatal Gallantry: or, The secret history of Henrietta Princess of England, Daughter of K Charles I. Writ by the Countess de la Fayette who had the honour of being very intimate with the Princess (1722) Translated by Ann Floyd
xii+142p Douce F. 364 (1)
Comtesse de la Fayette
The Princess of Cleves, The most famed Romance, written by the greatest wits of France rendered into English by a person of quality at the request of some friends (1679)
259pp Vet. A3. f.156
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Madeleine de Scudery
Ibrahim: or, The Illustrious Bassa. An Excellent New Romance, The Whole Work. In Foure Parts. Written in French by Monsieur de Scudery, and now Englished by Henry Cogan, gent (1652)
474pp Don. d. 42
Madeleine de Scudery
Artamenes, or The Grand Cyrus, an Excellent New Romance. Written by that famous Wit of France, Monsieur de Scudery Governour of Nostre-Dame. And now Englished by F G, gent (1653)
729pp fol. BS. 142
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Madeleine de Scudery
Clelia. An Excellent New Romance dedicated to Mademoiselle de Longveville. Written in French by the Exquisite Pen of Monsieur de Scudery Governor of Nostre-Dame de la Garde (1655) [Parts1 & 2]
Followed by:
Francesco Biondi
Caralbo. A New Romance in 3 Books (1655)
Elise.,or, Innocence Guilty. A New Romance Translated by Jo: Jennings (1655)
iv+150pp fol. BS. 143
Madeleine de Scudery
Clelia. An Excellent New Romance dedicated to Mademoiselle de Longveville. The Third Volume. Written in French by the Exquisite Pen of Monsieur de Scudery Governor of Nostre-Dame de la Garde (1658) [Part 3]
ii+284pp AA. 128. Th. Seld
Madeleine de Scudery
The Female Orators: or, The courage and constancy of divers famous queens, and illustrious women set forth in their Eloquent Orations, and Noble Resolutions: Worthy of the Perusal and Immitation of the Female Sex. English'd from the French Edition of Monsieur de Scudery (1714)
viii+204pp Vet. A4. f.56
Madeleine de Scudery
A Triumphant Arch Erected and Consecrated to the Glory of the Feminine Sexe. Englished by I.B. (1656)
234pp Vet. A3. f.1538
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Madeleine de Scudery
Almahide; or, The Captive Queen. An Excellent New Romance, Never before in English. The Whole Work. Written in French by the accurate pen of Monsieur de Scudery Governour of Nostre Dame. Done into English by F Phillips, Gent (1677)
678pp F.4.15. Art
Madeleine de Scudery
An Essay upon Glory. Written originally in French by the Celebrated Mademoiselle de Scudery. Done into English by a person of the same sex (1708)
vi+16+xpp 8° S. 1 (2) Th Seld
Madeleine de Scudery
Conversations upon Several Subjects, Written in French by Mademoiselle de Scudery, And Done into English by Ferrand Spence. In Two Tomes (1683)
425pp Tanner 478
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Delarivier Manley
The Royal Mischief, a tragedy (1696)
54pp Mal. 61 (6)
Delarivier Manley
The Lost Lover; or, The jealous husband: a comedy (1696)
50pp Mal. 79 (3)
Delarivier Manley
The Secret History of Queen Zarah & the Zarasiens; Being a Looking-glass for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the Kingdom of Albigion. faithfully translated from the Italian copy new lodg'd in the Vatican at Rome, and never before printed in any language.
Together with:
The Second Part or A Continuation of the Secret History of Queen Zarah And The Zarazinians; being a looking-glass for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the Kingdom of Albigion. (1705)
xxii+119,+142pp 22861 f.9
Delarivier Manley
Almyna: or, the Arabian vow, a tragedy (1707)
80pp Mal. 126 (8)
Delarivier Manley
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes, from the New Atalantis, an Island on the Mediterranean. The First and Second Volumes (1709)
536pp Vet A4 e. 1020
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Delarivier Manley
Memoirs of Europe Towards the Close of the Eighth Century. Written by Eginardus, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne, And done into English by the Translator of the New Atalantis (1710)
xiv+380pp 8° M7 Jur
Delarivier Manley
Court Intrigues, In a Collection of Original Letters, from the Island of the New Atalantis, &c. By the Author of those Memoirs (1711)
ii+120pp Vet. A4. e. 1487
Delarivier Manley
A true narrative of what pas'd at the examination of the Marquis De Guiscard at the Cock-Pit, The 8th of March 1711/12. His Stabbing Mr Harley, And Other Precedent and Subsequent Facts, relating to the Life of the said Guiscard (1711)
43pp Pamph. 296 (14)
Delarivier Manley
The Adventures of Rivella; or, The History of the Author of Atalantis. With Secret Memoirs and Characters of several considerable Persons her Contemporaries Deliver'd in a conversation to the Young Chevalier D'Aumont in Somerset-House Garden, by Sir Charles Lovemore. Done into English from the French (1714)
iv+120pp 12 Q 1893
Delarivier Manley
Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain, A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal n Drury Lane by His Majesty's Servants. By Mrs Manley (1717)
x+56pp Mal. 42 (3)
Delarivier Manley
The Power of Love: in Seven Novels, viz:
The Fair Hypocrite
The Physician's Stratagem
The Wife's Resentment
IV. V. The Husband's Resentment. In Two Examples
The Happy Fugitives
The Perjur'd Beauty
Never before Published. By Mrs Manley (1720)
xvi+368pp 8°. C. 86. Jur
Key Women Writers, 1567-1720 (continued)
Susanna Centilevre
Love's Contrivance, or, Le Medecin Malgré Lui, A Comedy, as it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane (1703)
x+68pp Mal. 108 (1)
Susanna Centilevre
The Basset-Table, A Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane by Her Majesty's Servants. By the Author of the Gamester. (1706)
vii+64pp Mal. 108 (2)
Susanna Centilevre
The Busie Body, A Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane by Her Majesty's Servants. Written by Mrs Susanna Centlivre. (1709)
vi+72pp Mal. 108 (3)
Susanna Centilevre
The Man's Bewitched; or, The Devil to do about Her. A Comedy, as it is acted at the New-Theatre in the Hay-Market by Her Majesty's Servants. By Susanna Cent-Livre. (1710)
x+68pp Mal. 108 (4)
Susanna Centilevre
The Perplex'd Lovers, A Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane by Her Majesty's Servants. . Written by Mrs Susanna Cent-Livre. (1712)
iv+60pp Mal. 108 (5)
Susanna Centilevre
The Beau's Duel: or, A Soldier for the Ladies, A Comedy, as it is acted at the New-Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields by Her Majesty's Servants. (1702)
vi+56pp Mal. 108 (6)
Susanna Centilevre
The Gamester, A Comed, as it is acted at the New-Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields by Her Majesty's Servants. (1708, second edition)
iv+64pp Mal. 108 (7)
Susanna Centilevre
The Perjur'd Husband: or, The Adventures of Venice, A Tragedy, as 'twas acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane by His Majesty's Servants. Written by Susanna Carroll (1700)
vi+40pp Mal. 117 (1)
Susanna Centilevre
The Stolen Heiress; or, The Salamanca Doctor Outplotted. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the New Theatre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields by Her Majesties Servants (1703)
vi+69pp Malone 127
Susanna Centilevre
Love at a Venture. A Comedy, as it si Acted by his grace, the Duke of Grafton's Servants, at the New-Theatre in Bath. Written by the Author of the Gamester (1706)
vi+64pp Malone 91
Susanna Centilevre
The Platonick Lady. A Comedy, As it is Acted at the Queen's Theatre in hte Hay-Market. By the Author of the Gamester, and Love's Contrivance (1707)
vi+72pp Malone 96
Susanna Centilevre
A Bickerstaff's Burying; or, Work for the Upholders. A Farce; As it was Acted at the Theatre in the Hay-Market by Her Majesty's Sworn Servants. Written by Mrs Susanna Centlivre (1710)
Together with: Anonymous Bury-Fare (nd)
60pp Douce P subt. 76
Susanna Centilevre
The Wonder: a woman keeps a secret, A Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane by Her Majesty's Servants. Written by the Author of trhe Gamester (1714)
x+79pp Vet. A4. f. 1424
Susanna Centilevre
A Bold Stroke for a Wife, A Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre in Little Linvcolns-Inn-Fields. By hte Author of the Busie-Body and the Gamester (1718)
vii+68pp Vet. A4. f. 908
Susanna Centilevre
A Wife Well Manag'd, A Farce (1737)
23pp Vet. A4. f. 691 (4)
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